Consolidated income statement

SEKm Notes 2018/2019 2017/2018
Net sales 4, 5 10,148 8,022
Cost of sales -7,025 -5,522
Gross profit 3,123 2,500
Selling expenses -1,677 -1,364
Administrative expenses -565 -455
Other operating income 9 47 59
Other operating expenses 9 -21 -42
Income from associated companies 3 3
Operating profit 3-10, 16 910 701
Finance income 11 5 4
Finance costs 11 -50 -40
Net financial items -45 -36
Profit before tax 865 665
Income tax expense 13 -193 -139
Attributable to:
Equity holders of the Parent Company 660 514
Non-controlling interests 12 12
Earnings per share before dilution (EPS), (SEK) 30 9.85 7.70
Earnings per share after dilution (EPS), (SEK) 30 9.80 7.65
Average number of shares after repurchases (’000s) 67,047 66,950
Number of shares at end of period after repurchases (’000s) 67,057 66,992

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