Note 23



Group 2018/2019 Premises Personnel Warranties Other Total
Carrying amount at start of period 1 2 22 6 31
Acquisitions - - 2 - 2
Provisions made during the period 0 9 17 5 31
Amounts utilised during the period - -2 -13 0 -15
Unutilised amounts reversed - - -2 - -2
Translation effects 0 0 0 0 0
Carrying amount at end of period 1 9 26 11 47
Group 2017/2018 Premises Personnel Warranties Other Total
Carrying amount at start of period 4.0 2.0 15 5 26
Acquisitions - - - - 0
Provisions made during the period 1 3 31 1 36
Amounts utilised during the period -4 -3 -25 - -32
Unutilised amounts reversed - - 0.0 - 0.0
Translation effects 0 0.0 1 0 1
Carrying amount at end of period 1 2 22 6 31

The provision for premises refers to premises that the Group has vacated and cannot sublet or use during the remainder of the lease.

The provision refers to costs of personnel, including estimated remuneration upon termination of employment in connection with changes in operations. A provision is made when there is an approved restructuring plan and the restructuring has been announced.

Recognised provisions for warranties associated with products and services are based on calculations performed based on historical data or, in  specific cases, on an individual assessment.

Other includes provisions not classified under premises, personnel or warranties, such as equipment that cannot be used due to changes in operations. All provisions are classified as short-term and are expected to lead to an outflow of resources within 12 months of the balance sheet date.